
1Results 31.12.2019 Newspaper advertisement
2Newspaper Advertisement- Update of Email Id and Bank Details
3Results 31.03.2020 Newspaper advertisement
4Newspaper Notice for Email & Bank Details- Amco (3 files merged)
5Newspaper Clippings of BM Notice
6Unaudited Financial Results for 30.06.2020
7Intimation about Newspaper Advertisement for AGM
8Newspaper clippings for results of quarter 30.06.2020
9Newspaper Clippings of BM notice
10Unaudited Approved Results-30.09.2020
11Intimation to BSE_ Newspaper Publication
12Intimation of publication of Board meeting Notice
13Approved unaudited results-31.12.2020- Amco
14Intimation to SE- Newspaper Publication- December, 2020
15Newspaper Notice for Email & Bank Details- Amco India (3 files merged) (1)
16Intimation of Newspaper clippings of BM Notice
17Approved Audited Results for 31.03.2021- Amco India Ltd
18Intimation of Newspaper Clippings_Amco
19Newspaper Clippings of BM Notice
20Intimation of Financial Results_ 30.06.2021
21 Intimation of Newspaper Publication of results
22 Newspaper Notice for Email & Bank Details- Amco India (3 files merged)
23Intimation of Newspaper Advertisement- 34th AGM
24Intimation of Newspaper Clippings of BM Notice
25Intimation of unaudited financial results -30.09.2021- Amco
26Intimation of Newspaper Clippings - Results
27Intimation of Newspaper clippings of BM- Amco
28Unaudited Financial Results-31.12.2021- Amco
29Initimation of newspaper clippings of results- Amco
30Intimation of Newspaper clippings of BM Notice
31Intimation of Newspaper Clippings of Financial Results-31.03.2022
32Intimation of Newspaper Clippings of BM Notice
33Intimation of copies of Newspaper Clippings of Financial Results -30.06.2022
34Intimation of Newspaper Advertisement- Amco
35Intimation about Newspaper Advt. for AGM_Amco
36Intimation of Newspaper Clippings of BM Notice
37Intimation of Newspaper Clippings of Financial Results- 30.09.2022
38Initmation of newspaper clippings - 31.12.2022
39Intimation of newspaper publication - 31.03.2023
40Newspaper clippings Results -30.06.2023
41Intimation of Newspaper Advertisement - Amco