Investors' Handbook

Presently, the Company has around 3000 shareholders holding Equity Shares in the Company

The Company's Equity Shares are under compulsory trading in demat form only.

Over 93.71% of the Company's Equity Shares are held in demat form.
The Company's Equity Shares are freely transferable except as may be required statutorily.
The Company's Equity Shares are listed on the BSE Limited (BSE) and Delhi Stock Exchange Association Limited (DSE).

All share related matters viz., transfer, transmission, transposition, nomination, dividend, change of name / address / signature, registration of mandate / Power of Attorney, replacement / split / consolidation of share certificate / demat / remat of shares, issue of duplicate certificates etc. are being handled by the Company's Registrars and Transfer Agents

M/s. Beetal Financial & Computer Services Private Limited .Beetal, an ISO 9002 Certified Registrar and Transfer Agent, the largest Registrar in the India, having a vast number of Investor Service Centres across the country, discharges investor service functions effectively and expeditiously.

The Company has an established mechanism for investor service. Beetal and the Compliance Officer appointed by the Company for this purpose, being the important functional nodes.

The Board of Directors of the Company has constituted a "Transfer & Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee" to concurrently look into the issues relating to shareholders including dematerialisation, dividends and share transfers . The transfers are regularly approved by the committee at its meetings held on regular intervals which, inter alia, approves issue of duplicate certificates and oversees and reviews all matters connected with securities transfers and other processes. The Committee also looks into redressal of shareholders' complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, non-receipt of declared dividend etc. The Committee oversees performance of the R&TA and recommends measures for overall improvement in the quality of investor services. The summary statement of investor related transactions and details are also considered by the Board of Directors of the Company.